Friday, September 7, 2007

The Only Post where I put all my Scattered Notes!

The following are the saved versions of my critical comments made along the internet. Though most of them can still be found through searching 28481k in Google, many became lost under comment clearing policy.

Comments between sf and me on Open and Free:

:: 28481k (6/13/2005 11:02 PM) sagt...

Copyright can be extremely problematic to the spread of knowledge. We should acknowledge it, but we mustn't over emphasise it, for this would stop us from evoulving, improving. We must tread carefully about this intellectual property, because this might be a tool of rich countries controlling less economically developed countries.

Read more about IP on, and you know many people have many opinions about this.

:: sf (6/14/2005 1:14 AM ) sagt...

謝謝小踢, 讚美是最好的鼓勵, 你看我馬上多有活力寫BLOG. :P

謝謝思存兄一針見血地點出香港媒界談版權的問題. 我的意見是, 今天要談版權, 一個好的進路是從自由/開碼軟體開始.

也謝謝28481K介紹 它是個某個世界的核心, 我這個後輩天天都看, 得益良多. BTW, 28481K既提起 想必是同道中人. 來來來, 讓我們扮扮禪宗的禪師, 印一印心法: 敢問28481K君, slashdot是甚麼意思?

:: 28481k (6/14/2005 3:29 PM ) sagt...

Well, since sf made such a great compliment to me. I've decided to reply this even though I'm almost on the verge of total collapse. :P

Slashdot, or /. as it's also known, illustrates the two most important symbol of the URL, hence its extended meaning of the Internet and eventually the IT world. Now the word "slashdot seems to evolve into three meaning, which are verbs:

1. The citation of a certain news or event on Slashdot. This is often distorted citation in some cases as editor seems to have a poor ability to distinglish the main point from what they're interested.
2. The subsequent discussion which often diverges from the original meaning of the post. In fact, being "slashdotted" means the the thread is often hijacked by out-of-topic discussions.
3. The subsequent increased viewing of the original source (as long as it's English) which often means increased traffic to a particular page to a point that the server couldn't handle.

Many slashdotter enjoyed discussions in Slashdot, often create heated debate which spans about 300 post in a single thread. Slashdot employs a grading system so that people could discriminate better post from flamebait ones. Though this grading system is also often discussed as it's definitely not impartial.

:: sf (6/15/2005 12:30 AM ) sagt...

哈哈, 28418K君, 你真認真. 認真得令人不禁想起 `it's important of being ernest'. :P

之前的留言童心未泯,鬧著玩而已. 請別介懷. 如果我沒有猜錯. 你應該不是vi人. 大概也沒有用過more or less. 對嗎?

衷心說的: 歡迎來訪. 歡迎得閒再來這裡聊聊.


:: 28481k (6/15/2005 7:58 AM ) sagt...

No, I'm not an vi user so I don't have a clue what this stands for in vi. However, since Slashdot searches a lot of news, I would guess it is a system command of some search items.

I did a search about this particular command, it is infact a matched search as I understand, or is it? If you use a more or less sign to quote the expression you would like to searc.h In that sense than I know what Slashdot means and why it exists... To bad I havne't been a Linux or Unix user so I'm really ignorant about this thing.

:: Roger (6/15/2005 11:45 AM ) sagt...

I agree.

We should respect the authors by acknowledging their contribution.

Yet it is totally different from recognizing their absolute right over all possible income derived from their works.

:: sf (6/17/2005 1:36 AM ) sagt...

28481k君,我鬧著玩, 你別太認真. 知不知道/.的意思,沒甚麼大不了.跟COPYRIGHT的見解高不高明更沒關係.

vi是text editor; 而more及less則是text viewers, 勉強說跟dos 裡的type`差不多'. 在這些程式都是UNIX的經典工具, 搜尋功能超強(多得regexp!).

你猜對了, 在這些經典工具裡,

/是search; .是WIDECHAR

/. 即 search everything


:: sf (6/17/2005 1:57 AM ) sagt...

28481K君, 我想指出的反而是/.背後的GNU文化.

:: 28481k (6/17/2005 5:11 AM ) sagt...

Thanks for clarifying what's /. command in vi. And also introduce the idea of more or less in text searching...

I support GNU movement, because I believe in an ideal or near-to-ideal world when everyone helps each other, many problems would be solved quickly. We often know about the pains of Microsoft (just an example, because many software developer who does not follow GNU does the same): A new buggy program is released as they are hurrying a new version. Flaws are discovered, and then it takes ages to plug the hold as no-one other than Microsoft engineers know what's in the code. In the meantime, maligious users can exploit the flaw. Now, in case of free software movement with proper documentation and good coding practise, then everyone is trying their best to solve the flaw as it would affect himself as well as others. Therefore, a solution is produced, and people can use them. Now this is just one of the many advantage of free software movement, I bet there are many more. GNU movement is to produce a free version of an operating system so that it is highly adaptable without the pains of royalty payments, as long as you release your own version once you finish with it. I think this model would work in good communities but there is a concern of the perhaps lack of business case of GNU movement. For this I want to seek others idea as in how to earn from this great model.

:: sf (6/17/2005 1:02 PM ) sagt...

28481K兄, 你的GNU文化的解釋很清楚,也很準確. 關於商業模式, opensource.org和ESR的The Cathedral and the Bazaar及The Magic Cauldron等文章, 想你必讀過. 我沒甚麼特別的心得. 也就不班門弄斧了.

What's wrong with KCR? in sf

:: 28481k (1/17/2006 4:03 AM ) sagt...


Wikipedia have the following sources about AWS (KCR Origianl signal system), ATP and ATO (in Japanese since it's more complete than English).

:: 28481k (1/17/2006 4:24 AM ) sagt...

Sorry, I think it's better to rewrite some of my former comment. Hence I deleted it.

KCR East Rail's transition into the Automatic Train Operation system (ATO) has never been smooth for its 3 years of operation. Its strict adherence to the target speed within 0.5 km/h causes many quick acceleration and decelerations (as noted in the first link). This stresses the bogie (底盤/轉向架) due to constant change of momentum and torque. It is also noted that the bogie design is not quite suitable with the operating conditions of KCR in the second link below, those traverse stress may cause the cracking of the bogie too.

The system also suffers from mislocation problem as well, which means the train will suddenly unable to locate itself on the track and the ATP mode sets in until the next beacon. Without knowing the location, auotmatic operation is impossible. In fact, even ATP cannot cover the dislocation scenario well too, since ATP signals are from the same beacons which regulate the automatic operation. It is therefore not uncommon that the train reverts back to Automatic Train Protection mode (ATP)* while raining.

KCR is just taking on the safe side and hope that more humane manual handling (by switching off the motor for a while after acceleration) should defer the promugation of cracking problem from the bogie (底盤裂痕問題) while they are looking for the long-term solution.

1. Local transport forum post in Chinese
2. Another local transport forum post in Chinese

* ATP is a supervision system for train operation. There is a cab-signal showing the target speed of the section of track and an on-board computer monitoring the operator's operation. The train is run manually unlike the ATO. Any violation of the target speed activates the emergency break immediately to prevent signal passing at danger (SPAD, 衝紅燈).

:: 梁巔巔 (1/18/2006 11:06 PM ) sagt...

Heeeee heeeee.

用電腦又死; 手控又死.....


九鐵班高層都驚 ga la~ 兩鐵合拼揀晒地鐵嘅要員 ma. Haaaaaa~

:: sf (1/19/2006 12:50 PM ) sagt...

28481K, 謝謝你的詳細分析. 讓我看看有沒有錯誤了解你的意思. 你的意思是事件的問題不出在車底, 而在更大件事的自動行車系統. 然而因為這是大件事, 說不得, 因此只把焦點推在車底組件焊接上. 是不是?

另, ATO,ATP這些名字如此接近, 用來給同事裝陷阱和混淆公眾視聽最好. 真不知是誰改的?

顛, 地鐡論服務論公關固然比九鐡勝一籌. 然而, 自從地鐡高層換班, 地鐡無論服務到公關也今非昔比.

關於兩鐵合併, 現在輪到地鐵佔上風. 立壞心腸之如我, 當然擔定櫈仔睇好戲啦.

:: 28481k (1/19/2006 9:43 PM ) sagt...






RM501 has a very nice function in searching comments courtesy of WordPress, please click here for all of them.

However, here are the to and fro of "25.5C" at RM501:



Comment by 28481k — July 25, 2005 #

rururu: 多謝提供。
28481k: 個人意見。 把它調到一個近室外的溫度,冷氣機會適應不來,製冷開一會停一會,製冷跳來跳去,會損害機件啊~ :( 倒不如開風扇啦~

Comment by rm501 — July 25, 2005 #

Well, we don’t switch on the air conditioning until above 30C, so there’s still a small difference between the indoor temperature and the actual air temperature.

Comment by 28481k — July 26, 2005 #

And this one would also be interesting (Please read others' comment in the page):

Chemical Reactive Series (a rudimentary one, the detailed one runs through a who page of equations…):

鉀鈉鈣鎂鋁 鋅鑼[sic, should be 鐵]錫鉛氫 銅汞銀金鉑

First 20 Chemical Elements is well produced phonetically by 貴, however, I normally memorised in blocks of 5, making a 五絕.

氫氦鋰鈹硼 炭氮氧氟氖 鈉鎂鋁矽磷 硫氯氬鉀鈣

We need to appuald those translators who makes Chinese one of the most chemically adaptable language on the earth. Instead of importing the whole transcription, they invented or resuscitated a whole lot of words to form names of elements or organic compounds. This is the most elegant system one has to be seen. Elements showing their state in room condition (25ºC, 1 atm.) straight away from their formation. Only Chinese could have done that thanks to radical-phonetic character formation method.

The latest discussion on a rare Chinese character in a village name in Language Hat is also where I contributed rather significantly.

Hainanese is no one uniform dialect: it has at least three streams of sources depending where you are: Mandarin, Min and various indigenous dialects. However, in Wenchang, it's the typical Hainanese: a kind of Minnan dialect.

Knowing that which Hainanese it is we can think that 湴 would be pronounced as something like /paŋ/ since the alternative would be /pã/ and it shouldn't rhyme with 碰.

The major problem is that simplification made 並 combined with 并 and so there is no ready way to describe that particular glyph 並 and the news report resorted in saying 2 dots on top of 亚. In daily usage, the only common character that includes 並 is 碰, but 湴 doesn't even pronounce like 碰 in Mandarin, which means that many people can't type it out because they only know how to type in pinyin! Hence, zhwj is right when he says "there's an input problem at the police. This could be because of ancient systems that don't support the character 湴, or it might simply be because the police use a pronunciation-style input method and can't be bothered to look up the correct pinyin."

Well, 湴 literally means deep puddle of mud. However, as xiaolongnu said, it is used here as an auspicious context: wading river confidently AND successfully across a deep marsh means something very auspicious, because otherwise you'd sink. Moreover, the original name (as reported in the news report) was 田尾洞, which doesn't sound too good because it literally means they live in a hole at the end of fields. With 田尾湴, they can at least said it isn't end of the world (think of calling your village Foxhole!), but rather something deeper and bolder - they can go through obstacles even though they live at the end of fields. So my take would be suggestion 3 by xiaolongnu.
Posted by: 28481k at August 28, 2007 02:53 AM

Slight correction on the meaning of 湴:

Well, I was too literal when explaining 湴. But actually, from reading an electronic source on 夢溪筆談 (Dream Pool Essays), I found the following sentences:

(People mostly don't know the meaning of 湴河 (muddy river).)


(湴 ,also 埿, pronounced like [pan], meaning in deep mud. It is said that muddy river gets you into deep trouble, as now know as "kong wang".)

Now, 空亡(kong wang) is an interesting concept. It involves reading up Chinese astrology and Chinese mystics. Literally meant "emptying nothing" (as 亡 = 無 here appearently), it is used to draw fortunes by looking at the moves between Heaven Stems and Earth Branches (as there are only 10 stems but 12 branches).

Of course, this is not right. So I read various sources with these two characters 空亡 by searching in Wikisource, and I found various entries...

By reading between lines, I still not being able to deduce the true meaning other than knowing that it averts things (like losing and death). Then I went to search in Google with first 空亡 then with 空無, I finally found this gem:

空亡: 原來的意思是指空虛、空想、架空、虛構、虛妄、失望、不實用、無效率。
(Originally means vainity (not being vain, but empty, senselessness, cf KJV Ecclesiates), wishful thinking, hopelessness, inefficient, impratical).

So, problem solved: It means aversion of things. You avert emptying hole (as the original name seems to tell), guess what you'd get? Fortune!
Posted by: 28481k at August 28, 2007 05:32 AM

Autumn comes, and what killed Chinese Multiculture? (Note: really in Chinese only)

A While ago I was decently active in various forums, here are the links to find my posts:
  • Slashdot

  • The Transport Forum (UK)
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